Projects Management app

Projects Management app

Le 27 Avril 2023
Creating a scientific project management tool is an important initiative that can facilitate collaboration among project members, as well as the organization and management of project-related documents.

The document manager is a system that allows project members to manage and add documents to a dedicated project website. Members can also share documents with other project members and access them easily at any time.

The calendar is an essential feature that allows for the planning and organizing of different stages of the project. Members can add important dates, deadlines, and events to it to track project progress and ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely manner.

News is also a useful feature that keeps project members informed of the latest developments and changes in the project. This feature also enables communication with members and facilitates collaboration and decision-making.

Folder chat is a convenient feature that allows project members to communicate in real-time on specific folders. This feature facilitates communication among members and helps to avoid confusion and errors in the project.

In 2023, the project will evolve with the addition of a new page creation system for the dissemination of information intended for the public. This new feature will make it easy and efficient to communicate with the public by providing information about project progress and results.
In addition to the aforementioned features, the document manager for scientific project management can also use the AMChart library for displaying analytics. This library allows for the creation of interactive charts and tables to visualize project-related data. This can be useful for tracking project progress, analyzing data, and making informed decisions.
Furthermore, the connection to the Sendinblue API can be used for newsletter dissemination. This API allows for sending newsletters to a list of contacts, tracking results, and customizing messages based on the interests of the recipients. This can be useful for keeping project members and stakeholders informed of the latest developments, upcoming events, and project results.